Welcome to the Old Apartment
How is the neighbour downstairs?
How is her temper this year?
I turned up your TV and stomped on the floor just for fun
I know we don't live here anymore
We bought an old house on the Danforth
She loves me and her body keeps me warm
I'm happy here
But this is where we used to live
Head on over to www.abigailmschilling.com/blog/. STAT.
Update your links. Call home because I tried to teach myself CSS.
And come on over.
(This is the part of the post I tell you just how dedicated I am to getting the new site launched. I set 12.24.05 as the launch date and even though things got in the way I sacrificed SLEEP in order to get this done. SLEEP. (Blood. BLOOD.) Also, my Christmas letter won't be done until next week. P.S. Email me your address if you want my card and letter. That's all. Now leave. )
things, my eye.
totally not my fault. :-p
code word: kivhyu. a period of utter mourning following the loss of word verification.
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