Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving: thoughts

by Anna Kueck
Guest Blogger

Thanksgiving has turned into something ironic, a break from everything I am supposed to be thankful for. You know all those great opportunities? All that great stuff you learn and post-graduate things you have to be excited for.

I suddenly discovered I have been working tediously to discover only what I don't want to do, and to fail at my one strength. And so I had that conversation with Joe, who is just a prof, and his concern with the future of students only stretches as far as their minds will concede to produce. On the low minor note of his spiked comment, I slammed the door on the plans I had made, and then the back up plans, and rode home peacefully with a newly blank imaginary life.

Now I am escaping my family (whom I am also supposed to be thankful for) and spending the evening with your dear Abigail. As evenings were spent before the future had even presented itself, when we were still pining to leave the monotonous certainty of these suburbs that now welcome us home.

Anna Kueck and I grew up together and she's been mentioned in posts such as Empathy and Harriet the Spy. We're in Chicago, full of pumpkin pie and saying yes to coffee.

She doesn't really "do" the internet thing. It's okay, I still like her.


Blogger Ace said...

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November 24, 2005 6:28 PM  
Blogger Ace said...

Its ok to work tediously on things you realise you don't want to do. Anna, I'm sure you've learnt much and you're one step closer to knowing what you want to do!! :)

Good friendships are always cherished - old and new.

Hi Abigail,
Warm greetings from Sunny Melbourne!

November 24, 2005 6:30 PM  
Blogger Sally said...

And I was charmed beyond charmed to watch you "young adults" continue the dance of personalities, the one established around the age of 10.

The coffee was decaf, but I understand everyone drinks it and I believe Starbucks is responsible achievement.

November 24, 2005 7:53 PM  
Blogger Heather Anne Hogan said...

You know, I would be thankful for my good friends during this season too, but they cheat when we play games. Oh well. Better luck next Thanksgiving, eh?

November 26, 2005 7:05 AM  

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