Sunday, October 02, 2005

In what world is it acceptable to list all the crazy things about oneself? Oh, right, in the world I am allowed to have a Web site.

1. Cowlicks. I have about nine cowlicks on my head. NINE. I may as well have a bumpy head with all the craziness going on on top of it. I am constantly feeling them to see how wrongly the hair is going and how obvious it is. If I can see my head silhouette I will look to see how normal it looks.

2. Condiments. I love condiments. I want them on everything. A sauce for every occasion I always say. People say I have french fries with my ketchup. However, the condiment cannot accidentally touch me. If I run my finger through the ketchup while dipping the fry, I freak out. It's not normal and I don't know I do it but this is an open place so I'm admitting it. Back when I used to eat in the college cafeteria there was this guy who would always try to shove my fist into my bowl of ketchup just to freak me out. Bastard.

3. Cups. I don't care if cups are clean. If there is a glass of water sitting unattended at my house I will finish it off. If there is a cup by the sink with some residue in it I will rinse it with water and then reuse it. I can't believe I just admitted that. I am so fired.

4. Crazy people. I am fascinated with people. I like to eavesdrop on conversations and make up stories about people I don't know. I stalk people online. I look at wedding pictures of people I HAVE NEVER MET. Maybe I'm the crazy person.

5. I save everything. This is no joke. You wrote me a birthday card two years ago and all it says is, "Happy Birthday!"? I still have it. That reminder email about the study group? I still have it. The t-shirts I wore in high school under my uniform? Still have them. The first sunglasses I bought. Every required class book ever. Souvenirs from my friends' vacations. More clothes than I could ever wear. Slowly but surely I am trying to overcome this. I threw away the sunglasses the last time I moved and I try to delete the superfluous emails. But the clothes? And the memories? I just can't let go.

Heather Anne tagged me. Your turn. I tag: Emily, Lauren, Shepherd, Sally, and Rebecca. Five idiosyncrasies.


Blogger scott said...

You should watch out for those cows. Also, they should watch out for you.

Funny list. Don't you LOVE memes?

Hello, Abigail.

secret word: nzrlji (the power that flows through all nzrls)

October 03, 2005 6:36 AM  
Blogger Sally said...

You forgot to add that it was most likely YOU, the crazy person, who deposited the random glasses of water around the house. :)

It's true about saving all that CRAP.... did I say it's true? IT'S TRUE!! And then my conscience will not allow me to say (accidentally), "ooops, it got wet with cat pee - time to toss it out." Not only that, but you wanna hear her idea of what she is going to do with all the crap "she can't throw out" when she graduates from college? Oh, have you ever heard of a drive-by?

"fjuxrr" - a child's first attempt at coding the word: fur

October 03, 2005 6:41 AM  
Blogger Becks said...

Oh, so I finally figured it out. DUH.

secret word: bfqqqovu - bastardized BBQ sauce from outer space

October 06, 2005 9:48 PM  

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