Monday, October 31, 2005

I think I'm ready for my dentures now

"My life is a joke. The carpel tunnel is back in my hand. I AM 21 AND I HAVE CARPEL TUNNEL. I can't believe I'm 21. I'm so old."

I know, I know, this is the part where everyone starts whining because I'm only 21 and you're 52 or 28 or whatnot but DID YOU KNOW THEY HAVE A VACCINE FOR CHICKEN POX?

That's right, kids these days don't have to take oatmeal baths or itch all the live long day. I remember when I got the pox. My mom called all her friends and all the kids rubbed up against each other and then we all itched itched itched all the live long day.

There are 10-year-old children who will come of age in front of Friends and see the episode where Phoebe gets the pox and she has to wear oven mitts over her hands and they won't understand her pain. They won't understand!

AND, last week I was at the National Museum of American History where they are no longer displaying the Star Spangled Banner in the main hallway. The last time I was at the museum it was there. Now it's in the this air-vacuumed room where little ladies in white nurse uniforms "preserve" it. They seriously look like they work in the Wonka Chocolate Factory.

Anyway, one of the placards in the special-lit room where I WAS NOT HEAVEN FORBID allowed to take pictures, said, "the Star Spangled Banner was once displayed in the Great Hall of the museum but is now too old to hang vertically." People, it was displayed there in my lifetime. I am so old.

I think that's why my metabolism is so slow.


Blogger Heather Anne Hogan said...

"Aww Pheebs."

"That's your name."

"Oh. I thought that's just what we called each other."

When my sister and I got the chicken pox, my dad brought home water colors and play dough and a new Atari game. It. was. awesome. I wished that I could get the chicken pox once a year. Plus I loved the Aveno oatmeal baths!

Did I just say that I had an Atari?

Hmm... maybe I'm old too.

November 01, 2005 6:31 AM  
Blogger Sally said...

Problem with "preserving" our symbols, we remove them from our consciousness and they are no longer symbols for the beliefs and culture attached to them.... we become a culture of removed items in an effort to preserve them!

As for the chicken pox - you had a horrendous case of them! It was scary and it got worse with other complications of other illnesses.. ugh.

Carpel tunnel has nothing to do with age - you have been using a keyboard (and quite productively I might add) since you were 5 years old..... that takes a toll. Ergonomics

code word: juarxo - Mexican Lotto

November 01, 2005 8:15 AM  
Blogger scott said...

I remember when I was a kid and they were arguing over whether or not to create the new Star-Spangled Banner exhibit in the main hallway of the National Museum of History.

Man, I really am old.

Hello, Abigail.

secret word: taooop (it's an acronym for "This Acronym Only Ommits One O, People")

November 01, 2005 8:39 AM  

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